The deck was stacked against me that morning before I even started work…
I moved our daughter over the weekend which involved driving a truck and trailer for 17 hours, lifting more stuff...
The snow finally melted to reveal a spring-like day. The calendar called my wife and I outside to help our blueberry bushes grow fruit.
Cultivators of a positive work culture understand that...
The sun was getting up and it was light when the alarm woke me up. I like that.
That was Standard Time.
This morning, the alarm went off and it was dark. I don’t like that.
Welcome to...
I write books. Short books of less than 100 pages nowadays.
Why such short books?
A #LinkedIn connection says it best: “Thanks for writing short books with such great content, because I...
Disappointing results happen to everyone…
…me included. After hours and hours spent on a proposal, after being told, “It’s yours,” and after projecting it into our...
The part of the U.S. where I live received more than usual snowfall, causing the power to fail, rearranging more meetings and assignments than I care to remember.
Sometimes it snows on your work.
How many times have you heard, “Do what you love and love what you do and you’ll never work another day in your life?”
Sounds great, right?
There’s some great truth in that...
Even if you’re not a football fan, you watch the Super Bowl for the commercials or to see the halftime performance, right?
Most of the hype before the Super Bowl focuses on a few star...
What do you believe about your work as you begin a New Year?
Your work beliefs are the core values of “how” you work. They shape the culture regardless of whether they’re...
While studying Great Depression businesses created by successful entrepreneurs, I discovered five core practices that were sets of daily habits for them. These five core practices are the heart and...
How’s your New Year’s resolution working out?
Willpower tapping out?
How would you like to S.W.A.P. your resolution for something more successful? Something that builds a more...
It begins with something like, “She’s just not working out…” and wraps up with “It’s just hard to find the right person today.”
Whether you’re a...
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