3 Positive Strategie to Transform Culture Fears
Oct 27, 2024
When my younger brother and I went trick-or-treating as kids at Halloween, he was scared of ghosts. When he was very young, he had eye surgery a couple of times. All of the OR people wore white. He associated their white dress and the white sheets of “the ghosts” with pain.
Like him, we associate the ghosts of culture pain past with present transformation opportunities. We fear moments to grow people and profits because of past attempts that didn’t work immediately.
A focus on “What did we learn?” shifts your perspective to integrating lessons learned that move the culture forward to positive.
Here are 3 Positive Strategies to Transform Culture Fear so you Work Positive this week:
Fear of You Can’t Do It Right Enough
If you’ve led a company culture longer than a week, you’ve made a mistake. Screwed up. Blew it. Failed. Maybe big time.
The ghosts of culture pain past haunt you with boos of failure echoing into today’s efforts. Your fears become real, even paralyzing, the more you think about them.
And yet you’re still responsible for the company culture and its transformation to grow people and profits today despite that feeling.
Failure is an experience, not a person.
Shape each successive culture effort with knowledge and courage from previous experiences. Innovate with the knowledge learned. Create with the courage that you lived another day to learn even more about how to grow people and profits.
Fear of You Aren’t Enough
The ghosts of culture pain past haunt you with other boos of “What difference can you as one person make in this culture?” as you navigate today’s human resources white waters. Your fear manifests as a lack of personal resources.
“I’m not enough,” you think.
And yet you are the beneficiary of one person’s efforts that became your positive culture Butterfly Effect. What one person influenced you positively to do what you do today?
The next time you fear you aren’t enough to make a difference, remember the last time you flew. Unless you have TSA PreCheck, you must remove your shoes. Remember why? One man tried to light his tennis shoe as a bomb on one flight. The actions of this one man changed the way all of us board flights today.
You are more than enough to innovate and create positive culture results today that will grow people and profits.
Fear of You Won’t Be Enough
Walter Johnson was a fireball pitcher in a previous baseball era. A rookie stepped in to face him and after two quick strikes, left the batter’s box to return to the dugout. The umpire called after him, “Hey son, you have another strike left.”
The rookie said back over his shoulder, “That’s okay ump. You can have it.”
The ghosts of culture pain past boo loudly, hoping we give up. Quit before we’re through. Lock the door before we’re done. Put our heads down and just shuffle files.
The next time you’re tempted to quit your efforts to grow people and profits, reflect on those persons with whom you work. They keep coming back to work in the culture you influence. The one skill they have in common is perseverance.
If they can keep going, you can, too. You will be enough to face whatever might interfere with your culture transformation initiatives. Just keep going.
Transform your culture fears of you can’t do it enough, you aren’t enough, you won’t be enough to:
• “I can do enough,”
• “I am enough,” and;
• “I will be enough”
as you Work Positive and create a positive work culture that grows people and profits.
#Halloweenghosts #fearofthepast #transformculture #transformfear #WorkPositive #humanresources #shrm
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