Finally Fix Your Toxic Culture that Causes 20% of Your People to Leave!

Are you a . . .

Human Resources leader?

Business owner?

In the C-suite?


Then you know what work is like today:

85% of your team is disengaged at work (Gallup).

57% of your employees leave because of their manager (SHRM: Society for Human Resource Management).

20% of your people who left in the last 5 years did so because of your culture. Add it all up and that’s $223 billion in costs to all companies like yours! (SHRM)

36% of your colleagues say their manager doesn’t know how to lead a team. (SHRM)

Heard anybody talking about stress at work lately? Companies like the one you work for lose $500 billion dollars and 550 million workers a year due to employee stress. And 60-80% of work accidents are due to that same stress.

Or maybe, just maybe, none of this is happening at YOUR company.

Yea, right.

The numbers don’t lie.

It is happening within your company culture whether you know or not.

So what can you do about it?

On top of all of the other work stuff you have to deal with, how in the world will you make time for a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) like work culture transformation?

What if I told you that instead of a BHAG, your positive work culture transformation can be a DOT that connects people and profits?

That’s right, a DOT.

DOT stands for Do One Thing.

Think of it as a small hinge you can open daily that swings the big door of positive work culture transformation.

That sounds more like something you can do, right?

And what if I told I’ve put together a course to help you do it?

The course is Small Hinges Swing Big Doors.

I’m Dr. Joey Faucette.

For the past couple of decades, I worked as a Positive Culture Architect, Executive Coach, and best-selling author. My book, Work Positive in a Negative World: Team Edition, is the manifesto for developing your positive work culture.

I host the Work Positive podcast where my guests are thought leaders who share strategies and tactics, real-life stories, and case studies that focus on how you can attract top talent and reduce team turnover while creating a Work Positive culture that increases productivity and profits.

I’ve written over 1,000 articles that have appeared on the websites of Fox News, CNBC, Wall Street Journal Market Watch, MSNBC,, and countless others. My content reaches people in more than fifty countries.

I will help you transform your work culture through the Small Hinges Swing Big Doors course and get the results you want.

What are those results?

How would you like to improve team engagement 30%?

Increase your operating income up to 19%, and your earnings growth up to 28%?

Raise productivity 31%?

And a whole lot more?

I invited recognized positive work culture experts to create the Small Hinges Swing Big Doors course with me.

My fellow experts and the modules we created to help you DOT small hinges that swing big doors of culture transformation are:



Dr. Bob Johansen began working with Institute For The Future in 1973 and has worked as a professional futurist for nearly 50 years.

His book trilogy that details the types of leadership that will thrive in the next decade is featured in this course. Dr. Bob’s three books you receive with this course are The New Leadership Literacies, Leaders Make the Future and Full-Spectrum Thinking which shape your mindset for a positive work culture.

You get 9 videos from Dr. Bob and me:

  • Thinking future-back: foresight-insight-action
  • Full spectrum thinking
  • Human Resources and Information Technology
  • Talent Development: Immersive Learning/Gaming
  • Digital natives as leaders
  • Reverse mentoring
  • Mentoring hope with digital natives
  • “Superminds” (AI: Augmented Intelligence)
  • Healthy Living


Captain Joe Sacchetti is a U.S. Army Ranger-qualified paratrooper who served two tours in Iraq and was awarded the Bronze Star for actions in combat.

He successfully transitioned to the business world, and has worked in sales and management for 30+ years.

Joe is the author of Guts, Smarts and Love: Live Your Life The Army Ranger Way which you get in your box of books with this course. In it, Joe highlights extraordinary profiles of everyday heroes and the leadership/relationship principles they embody.

You get 5 videos Joe and I recorded with specific actions to take today that enhance and improve team and customer relationships.

They are:

  • Perpetuate the wins.
  • Poke fun at yourself.
  • Present yourself.
  • Purpose connect.
  • Praise it forward.


Mitchell Levy is a Global Credibility Expert, a 2x TEDx speaker, an international bestselling author of over 60 books, and an executive coach at Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches.

After interviewing 500 thought leaders on credibility, he published a 7-country international bestselling book, delivered a powerful TEDx on humanity, created courses, and created the Credibility Nation membership community to help those live, learn, and surround themselves with others on the credibility journey.

Mitchell Levy knows what it takes to gain credibility today and engage your teammates with their daily tasks.

The 5 videos you get featuring Mitchell and I are about:

  • Being Known: intent, commitment, and integrity
  • Being Likable: show up when you show up, share the stage with others, and respect others
  • Being Trusted: demonstrate authenticity and vulnerability
  • Credust: the Law of Reciprocity
  • Credust: Servant Leadership


David J. Friedman is a distinguished business leader, author, and speaker who’s known for cultivating high-performing cultures. As the former President of RSI, he transformed it into one of the largest independent agencies in the U.S., winning multiple accolades.

Since then, David wrote Fundamentally Different and Culture by Design. He's led over 600 workshops and educated 7,500+ CEOs. He is the CEO of High Performing Culture and creator of the CultureWise® system.

David and I talk about what you can do at work to design your own unique positive work culture using his 8 steps to create a positive work culture.

You get 8 videos about how to:

  • Define the employee behaviors (Fundamentals) that drive your success
  • Ritualize the practice of your Fundamentals
  • Select people who are the right fit for your culture.
  • Integrate new hires into your culture.
  • Communicate your culture throughout the organization
  • Coach to reinforce your culture
  • Lead your culture by example
  • Drive your culture through accountability.


Captain Jim Palmer is a highly successful entrepreneur and Dream Business Coach with over 30 years of experience.He has coached and mentored hundreds of entrepreneurs and authored six internationally acclaimed books on smart marketing and dream business building strategies.

Jim is the founder and creator of the Dream Business Mastermind and Coaching Program, Dream Business Academy, and host of the Dream Business Radio podcast.

Jim and I unpack how your culture grows positive as you focus on serving others with gratitude and the Law of Reciprocity.

Our 5 videos are about how to:

  • Decide if success precedes service or service predicts success.
  • Transform from “me” to “we.”
  • Serve first when “I’m not ready”
  • Work from gratitude that motivates service
  • Do gratitude instead of “only” meditating on Law of Attraction manifestation.

PLUS you get all of these awesome Bonuses:

  • Lifetime access to the Small Hinges Swing Big Doors course AND lifetime membership in the Work Positive Community of international and dedicated culture transformers who are committed to each other’s success. (priceless)
  • A copy of their seven books delivered to your door, a copy of my Work Positive: Team Edition PLUS an extra copy of the Small Hinges Big Doors book for you to give you a colleague. ($167 value)
  • A three-month membership in the DOT MasterMind. ($1,491 value)
  • Three 30-minute culture transformation, mentor coaching Zoom calls with me to ensure you start well. ($1,875 value)
  • Other free resources my partners choose to give you. ($500)

Total Value of bonuses: $4,156

Your investment is nothing close to that.

You are uniquely qualified to lead your company in a positive work culture transformation.


In order to ensure the Small Hinges Swing Big Doors course is a good fit for you, I have found the 100%, no questions asked, 60-day money-back guarantee to be the ideal litmus test. It gives us a chance to “meet” and see if working together makes sense. If it doesn’t, then think about it like a Netflix movie you only watched the first 15 minutes of. You can always select another one. Only I don’t charge you a subscription fee. You get all of your money back within 90 days.

TODAY is The Day.

NOW is the Time to transform your work culture with small hinges that swing big doors.

Will you step up to the challenge and create the positive work culture your company needs to swing open big doors of productivity and profits with small hinges of action?

Your future customers and teammates are waiting, watching, and wanting you to.

A positive work culture is what you want.

Maybe you’ve been waiting for someone else to create it.

It’s your personal responsibility, in my humble opinion, because if you don’t do it, no one else will.

I challenge you to answer the call to action.

You are ready.

Invest in the Small Hinges Swing Big Doors course right now. There’s absolutely no risk to you.

Nothing to lose.

It’s all on me.

Click the “I’m Ready” button below to invest in the Small Hinges Swing Big Doors course.

Remind yourself, “All the risk is on Dr. Joey” and complete the investment.
You’ll get an email from me almost immediately welcoming you and instructing you in how to start.

I look forward to hearing from you, and more importantly, working together to transform your work culture with DOTs so you swing small hinges that open the big doors of productivity and profits.

Thank you!


I’m Ready!
Payment Plan

Was $197/mo Now $97/mo
51% sale

I’m Ready!
Single Payment

Was $1,890 Now $926
51% sale

I like my work culture negative.

PS: Remember: All the risk is on me. If for any reason you want a full refund within 90 days of investing, it’s yours. No questions asked. No guilt trip. Just every dollar back. You have nothing to lose—except your negative work culture—and everything to gain.

Listen to Life, Too is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP®️ or SHRM-SCP®️ recertification activities.